03 November 2008

WHAT IS Sociology

Sociology comes from the Latin language socius that have meaning friend / friend, and logos, which means that the knowledge / thoughts. So, he said the root of the views of sociology can be defined as the science of life learn about the association socius with socius or friend with a friend, the relationship between a with a, with individual groups, or groups with the group (Ahmadi, 1984: 7). Because the association of human life is also called the public regarded the sociology of science as well as learn about the human community and human behavior at several groups that formed the community (Kornblum, 1988: 5). In addition to the two definitions of the above, there are still many other definitions, where the definition-definition, it has some differences in penjabarannya. However the definition of the bias we pull the thread of red, so we can find the same basic ideas, namely that sociology is 1) is a live in a society in a broad sense, 2) development of the community in all aspeknya, and 3) the relationship antarmanusia with other human beings in all aspeknya. From this formula, we can not find the existence of two major elements of sociology, namely 1) the human, and 2) the relationship in a vessel called the relationship with the community (Ahmadi, 1984: 10).

Sociology is considered as a science that is not easy because the object in the form of community (in the semantic relationships or jaringanjaringan) are abstract. In addition, we are not easy to formulate a sociological problem, because in sociology often we do not find the word 'no' and 'certainty'. This is the other that is very difficult to maintain objectivity study sociology, as researchers / observers are in the subject of studies. Bias-bias subjektivitas researchers in conducting the observation, interpretation and analysis of a social phenomenon is very likely occur. For example, as a sociologist you are researching on the sexual behavior of a metropolitan elite groups in the conduct of observation during which you always enter a negative opinion of the private sexual behavior because it is not in accordance with the principles of your life. Actions you this of course is the level of objectivity results of your research. Furthermore, the study of sociology as a complex, especially a modern society, there is a presumption that it is very difficult to perform to the sociologist. To answer all the problems so there are some things that must be taken is that a researcher / observer can not be partisan, do not hurry in finding bukti-bukti/informasi, and be suspicious of the information that evidence is not evidence - clear.


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